Benefits of Staff Leasing Services

Advantage of Staff Leasing
PrimeOutsourcing employs a staffing model that is compliant to client satisfaction. In a traditional project-based staffing model , a project manager comes between the client and the worker. The client has to explain and make the project manager understand certain details about the project. The project manager then relays the data to the worker. This may not only result in imprecise delivery of information from project manager to staff, time is also wasted. Our staffing model, on the other hand, is intended for capable individuals who are their own project managers and favor building cost-effective, long-term working relationships with clients. Hiring workers on a project basis, often leads to cutting corners to finish a job on time. Consider a task like link building, which on the surface seems to be very straight-forward. A freelance worker contracted for the task of getting a specific number of backlinks, with no other instructions, would choose the path of least resistance. The links would most likely come from a low quality source. Many of these links would be absolutely worthless for the site being promoted, providing no real visitors, and no benefit in search rankings.
Staff Leasing vs. Freelance Work
We guarantee that our staff are dedicated, qualified and willing to extend their knowledge and expertise for your business’ growth. Prime Outsourcing offers its team of efficient individuals attractive compensation to ensure that they live quality lives for optimum performance.
A Few Pointers Before Leasing Staff
PrimeOutsourcing offers various services that are conveniently accomplished through the internet. In order for us to get started on a project, you should have an outline of the tasks and goals you want to fulfill. You can always consult us if you have trouble creating your own. This will allow us to administrate projects smoothly.
1. Determine Definite Objectives
All your goals should be measurable, realistic and specific as possible. A few questions to ask yourself: What are my short and long-term goals? What are the tasks that I want to be done within two or three weeks? During the course of a project, assess your goals often to see if there is progress.
2. Tolerate Consideration
While work is being made available online, communicating with your staff is thru the Internet as well. Be patient enough to the conditions in which your staff is in. Consider that even if they are not physically present, they are real people with real feelings.
3. Stand as the Taskmaster
Although the actual work is done by the staff of your choice, you are still the main exponent of the project. You are in the position to train and instruct your staff and assist him to function to his full potential.
We at PrimeOutsourcing process and only pick out the cream of the crop in the field of IT and other related courses. Every member of our team undergoes extensive testing and training before being hired. IQ tests, interpersonal interviews and sample technical projects are given to applicants to establish their skills and capabilities.
However, those who pass are competent but still need your direct instructions and training so as to learn more and perform to their optimum efficiency.