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Taking on a Martial Arts Organization’s Billing Transactions Head On

The Client

The client is the executive director of one of the largest and most famous martial arts organizations in the world. His organization has produced over 200 martial artists, all of whom have earned black belts; he currently manages over 300 martial arts schools and affiliates around the world.

As they only started franchising their martial arts school in 2010, the company encountered several problems in billing management. They realized that they do not have enough staff members to operate and manage their office’s accounting responsibilities, which included sending invoices, and collecting payments efficiently. In order to increase their company’s productivity, the client wanted to outsource back office responsibilities such as accounting, bookkeeping and billing.

The Prime Solution

The client contacted Prime Outsourcing on September 7, 2011 searching for a skilled virtual assistant who can keep track and manage all the transactions of their increasing number of franchised martial arts schools. Among the tasks of the virtual assistant included:

Managing financial reports

Managing monthly dues of franchise institutions and affiliates

Collecting payments from delinquent invoices and ongoing monthly fees

Contacting al the client’s customers via calls, email, and live chat

By maintaining constant communication with his hired staff via email and Skype, the client was able to supervise the virtual assistant easily. The virtual assistant was able to take on the organization’s billing department and manage its finances by using an integrated accounting software. After a week the virtual assistant was hired, the organization has already collected over 14% of unpaid dues from customers, franchises and affiliates all over the world. The client has fully entrusted our company in handling all of the organization’s financial tasks that included safekeeping sensitive information about the schools and its respective students.

The Results:

Despite the geographical distance and lack of physical presence, our staff was able to manage and organize all financial reports and collect all the necessary dues to keep the organization operational. The client was truly impressed with our staff’s performance and he decided to hire additional employees including two billing specialists, one admissions specialist, and a secretary.

Currently, the martial arts organization is continuing on its expansion efforts to reach clients around the world and to promote the heritage, philosophy and lifestyle of a true martial artist.