For small to midsized companies, outsourcing HR functions is now a must. While each and every HR function is important, sometimes you just cannot afford to hire and keep full-time staff to do it. The trick to getting what you need at a price you can afford is to find help elsewhere.
Outsourcing HR functions is your best option: you can access the expertise you need and still save employment-related costs. Thus, here’s a list of the HR functions you can delegate to a third-party outsourcing company.
HR Functions to Outsource
To other people, recruitment may seem like an easy enough job: just post about a job opening, invite some applicants, interview them then see which one of them is the right person for the job. In reality, though, the recruitment process involves more than that—it even demands expertise.
For one, writing a job description is not that easy; the person who will create this must know what exactly the job demands and the qualities (i.e., personality, skills, etc) that distinguish the worthy candidate. The recruiter must also have a good understanding of the job itself and its importance to the organization.
Benefits Management
This aspect, in particular, requires expertise because of its complicated nature. Not all HR personnel are well-versed about medical benefits, medical insurance, and retirement plans, just to name a few.
Indeed, it would help your company immensely to have someone knowledgeable in benefits packages, and you should consider finding one outside your own company.
Employee Relations
If benefits management is challenging, so are the HR functions related to employee relations. In fact, it can be said that this is a tougher function due to technicalities involved. There are company rules to follow, laws to abide by as well as legalities to consider. Take, for instance, the employee handbook—the document is more relevant than people think.
Not only should it spell out what employees are allowed and not allowed to do, but its rules and regulations set in place must be legal or in conformity with the law. If any of the statutes included in the handbook are illegal, lawsuits become inevitable. That could spell major trouble for your company.
Obviously, you need someone who can properly handle employee relations, one who is specifically up-to-date with the latest employment laws and regulations. If you require an expert but could not afford to hire one as a permanent staff, outsourcing is the way to go.
Nobody enjoys firing people. Whoever liked being the bearer of bad news? It is one task everyone finds difficult and one most employers hate to do. If you do not want to deal with such a situation yourself, it may be time to call on someone from the outside.
Again, expertise is required here; firing someone is not just about uttering the words “you’re fired.” You have to terminate the staff not only the right way but for a valid reason, or else risk being sued. Let someone experienced in this field handle the job to prevent future legal problems.
These are just a few of the tasks you can outsource to a third-party company. If you are looking for the best partner to outsource your HR functions, you are in the right place. Prime Outsourcing has a team of professionals with expertise in human resources and management to help you out with your dilemma. Get in touch with us today by clicking here.