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Prime Outsourcing flu vaccine

Protecting Our Team: Prime Outsourcing’s Annual Flu Vaccine Program

At Prime Outsourcing, our employees are our most valuable asset. That’s why we take their health seriously and go the extra mile to ensure their well-being. As part of our ongoing commitment to health promotion, we recently conducted our annual flu vaccine program on May 27, 2014, in collaboration with Health Delivery System Inc.

Addressing a Common Concern: The Importance of Flu Vaccine

Each year, flu season poses a significant threat to public health, affecting a large portion of the Filipino population and leading to increased absenteeism in the workplace. Recognizing the impact of flu on our employees’ health and productivity, Prime Outsourcing initiated this program to provide proactive protection against the flu virus with flu vaccine.

Strategic Timing: Administering Vaccines Before the Flu Season Peaks

The timing of our vaccination program is crucial. By administering the flu vaccine before the peak of flu season—typically from July to August and extending through December—we aim to bolster our employees’ immunity and minimize the risk of flu-related illnesses.

Convenient Access: Partnering with Health Delivery System Inc.

To ensure maximum participation and convenience for our team members, Prime Outsourcing partnered with Health Delivery System Inc. for onsite corporate flu shot services. On the designated flu shot day, employees had the opportunity to receive the vaccine administered by qualified medical professionals without having to leave the premises of our workplace.

Prepared for the Rainy Season: Safeguarding Against Increased Flu Risk

As the rainy season approaches, the risk of contracting the flu becomes even greater. However, thanks to the proactive measures taken by Prime Outsourcing, our staff members are equipped with the protection they need to guard against flu and its potential complications.

Putting Employee Health First

At Prime Outsourcing, we believe that a healthy workforce is essential for maintaining productivity and fostering a positive work environment. Through initiatives like our annual flu vaccination program, we demonstrate our unwavering commitment to prioritizing the health and well-being of our employees.

Together, we stand strong against the flu, ensuring that our team remains healthy, happy, and ready to take on any challenges that come our way.

By: Seb Malupa | June 4, 2014 | Blog, BPO Philippines, Company Events | 0 Comments

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About the Author: Seb Malupa