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One of the major challenges that new businesses face online is the lack of traffic to their websites. Obviously, without traffic, there is no sale. And as you are likely aware, no sale means significant losses to your business.

How You Can You Generate Traffic to Your Website?

Having your e-commerce site is not enough and truth be told, in most cases, only a small portion of your overall web traffic will convert into your sales. One thing to keep in mind, aside from the overall look of your website, when we speak of generating more traffic, it always starts with the following:

  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Great Content and Outreach

More so, of course, you will also need to track down your site’s traffic. Note that you can do so by using Google Analytics. Anyone can use it as it is free, it can be accessed quickly, and it is really easy to use.  

Good web design is important to your e-commerce site. Your site must have the perfect color scheme, font styles, images, content, and graphics that are suitable for your brand so you can convince your visitors to purchase your products and/or services.  As a business owner, your online presence is one of the driving forces for your business success. Keep in mind that your e-commerce site must have the following:

  • The perfect web design to attract your potential customers.
  • A great user experience.
  • A well presented online shop with the right content.

In a nutshell, your website doesn’t just need to look good and showcase your brand, it also needs to drive your site visitors to take action and buy your products or acquire your services.  If you happen to be one of those new online business owners, it is possible to increase the number of visitors to your website and convert them into loyal customers. Here are the steps you can take to do just that: 

1. Test Your Website

Sure you may have tested your website before launching it the first time. However, you have to consider that the way your site functions can change over time and before you notice it, it is not as appealing and user-friendly as it once was. With this in mind, test your website once more.

According to a post on, there are many things on your website that you can test that can help attract customers and improve sales. However, considering you are just starting, it is a good idea to stick with the basics. These include your site navigation to figure out how long and how many clicks it would take for a potential customer to purchase a product or service; sales copy, which include product information, benefits, warranty and call to action; order process, which must be a simplified version to make it easier to place an order; and opt-in offer to know if your site is able to get the visitors’ contact information.

2. Know Your Customers

Of course, it is not enough to have a functional and attractive website. It is equally important that you know who your target customers are. Some key criteria you can use include gender, age, profession, income, education, etc. These criteria will allow you to get a clearer picture of the people you want to visit your site, making it easier for you to develop marketing messages and campaigns that are relevant to them, while also helping you determine the channels where you can reach them.

3. Create Compelling Content and Make Them Available to the Public

Creating compelling content – videos, images, articles, whitepaper, podcast, etc.–can help generate a lot of traffic to your site. So be sure to make a couple of them regularly and share it with the public. When making content, try to forgo the sales pitch and instead focus on providing information that your target customers will find valuable. Doing so will help establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

Be sure to include a short information or bio paragraph about you and your business at the end of the content you make, along with a link to your site. It is also worthwhile to ask readers to take action. Something in the line of “if you’ve enjoyed reading this post, forward or share it to a friend!” will prompt visitors to spring into action, which in turn will give your business free word of mouth exposure.

4. Promote Your Content on Social Media

With social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ becoming avenues for people to connect with others as well as brands, promoting your content on these channels is an effective technique to get more visitors and customers to your site.

You can get your business to the attention of your target customers by engaging them in discussions around the industry you are in, the products or services you provide as well as the content you share. Taking this step will allow you to establish your business’ reputation and will let you develop strong relationships with site visitors that can ultimately lead to conversions and sales.

These are just a few of the steps you can easily execute to help your website drive more traffic, and hopefully, attract potential customers. Moreover, all of the above mentioned are web developer responsibilities so you need to have the right web developer to cater to your site needs. While it is non-arguable that not all people are capable of creating, handling, and maintaining a website, this is why a lot of business owners like you have the option to outsource these web design tasks to an outsource web development company

Outsource Web Development Services with PrimeOutsourcing

If you think you need more professional assistance, do not hesitate to outsource web development services. The main function of a web developer is to find more effective ways to generate more traffic to your website and make sure that your website functions properly. Once you realize that you need a web developer in the Philippines and you need an outsource web development company, take note that Prime Outsourcing is only one click away.

By: Seb Malupa | May 28, 2014 | Business Process Outsourcing | 0 Comments

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About the Author: Seb Malupa