Digital marketing is any form of marketing that exists online. This will greatly help you reach your target audience, have a better engagement, turn your prospects into leads, and convert them into loyal customers. However, the success of your digital marketing journey will require a lot of things. A big portion of your effective digital marketing is the content, and this also includes visually attracting your target customers. If you are one of those entrepreneurs who is struggling with your content strategy, then it’s about time you consider using infographics for marketing.
Source | Pixabay
What is Infographics?
Infographics are a mix of writing, design, and analysis that is the best ideal for the age of big data. It is also a visually compelling communication medium that is done by a complex communication in a visual format. Infographics are one of the best ways to mix text, design and an image to represent complex data that shows a story to be shared.
Infographics can be used in both print and digital. It has been gaining a lot of attention in the digital marketing world. It has also been widely used by marketers in all their marketing pursuits.

Infographics are a way of designers to display their talents by presenting specific information artistically, clearly, and effectively without losing the attention of the viewers.
As a business owner, remember that we are now living in a modern and fast-paced world. Netizens are flooded with too much online information daily. Plus, people’s attention span is continuously decreasing by the minute, this is why marketers give great importance to visuals nowadays.
Here are some reasons why you should use infographics as a content marketing strategy:
1. Attractive and compelling.
One of the main goals of using infographics for marketing is to attract visitors. Make your visitors turn into your customers. Some visitors like to read facts, statistics, and figures. You can create the best designs and images to attract them.
Information overload is most likely to happen if you are to focus on pure textual content in your marketing campaigns. Note that effectively designed information will attract readership. Also, effectively designed information is the key to entry barriers.
2. Easily to be viewed, read and scanned.
There are a lot of humans who are more visual, 90% of the information that comes to the brain is from our “optic nerve”. Your site visitors can easily leave your website once they don’t find your web page interesting and relevant.
A lot of people scan through web pages to look for the content that attractively contains information. You need to add infographics to your content so it will have a good impression on your site visitors and readers.
3. Viral capabilities of Infographic for Marketing.
Infographics’ attractiveness can make them easily shared on social media. There are a lot of infographics that are shared on social media, especially if they are informative and can be easily shared.
According to MDG Advertising, campaigns with visual elements like alluring images or graphics can generate over 94% more views than a simple text or content that does not contain images.
4. Embeddable.
When you are creating, developing, designing or even publishing infographics, the code you put on the site or WordPress blog is given as an embedded code.
One good thing about infographics as a visual element is that its inherent design and portability are embeddable. Other people can also integrate your infographics with embedded code into their blogs.
5. Can show it worldwide.
Because of the wide internet, you can share your infographics across the world in just a single click. The internet has global coverage that is faster than a word of mouth.
6. Greater Brand Awareness.
If you put your product name every time you are making infographics, it can be powerful especially if you have a very creative design or if it gets viral. Infographics design usually includes relevant information about the creators such as the brand logo, web address, email, and even contact information.
Infographics are beyond telling people about what your brand is about, it shows them with visual content which is more effective than just pure texts and paragraphs.
7. Easily increase the traffic.
Once your infographics get “shared” or “clicked” it will immediately get traffic. If used properly, it can increase your traffic by over 12%, this is seen on some publishers that have experienced it in their campaigns.
8. Good benefits for SEO.
If your infographic links to your site and Google, it will index it because of the very high page rank. It can also increase the search engine ranking. Infographics can be converted to links and shares that also have great benefits to your SEO.
9. An expert understanding of the subject.
An infographic can demonstrate your knowledge and skills as an expert. Infographics must contain images that can easily convey a message, this includes tables, graphs, charts, and other relevant information.
This also includes extensive research on how a creator will be able to effectively convey a message. Being able to convey a message shows how skillful and talented your designer is.
Using infographics in marketing is a bit tricky because of the limited text you should put on it. Moreover, you also need to have to put a design on it. Infographics are helpful especially if you want to promote your brand and earn more traffic to your website.
Outsourcing Your Infographics to PrimeOutsourcing
Infographics are now one of the most useful types of graphic design. It can be used in providing essential information and at the same time, market a brand. Whether you are a business owner or a marketer, it is natural to look for a graphic designer who knows how to make a coherent and well-designed infographic.
Fortunately, Prime Outsourcing has a pool of talents ready to fulfill your demands! With Prime Outsourcing, you do not need to go through the painstaking process of recruiting and hiring your staff.
Contact us today to get your infographics design services in an instant.